/Top Tips/ - Finding An Internship

Thursday, October 01, 2015

As part of my Fashion Promotion degree, during my 3rd year I have a year out where I intern for a year in the exciting but terrifying world that is the fashion industry! To say it I was nervous for my placement year was an understatement! All that kept running through my head was 'why would anyone pick me when there are so many other people out there who are better than me?' 
Fast forward 8 months and I am now nearly 3 months into my internship, so I thought I'd share some tips on how to find an internship and how to cope with the nerves etc... (pre warning, this post may go on a bit...so grab a cuppa!)

Tip No. 1: Do not compare yourself to other candidates!!!!!

In my opinion this was the thing that I found the hardest when looking for an internship. That might sound silly as actually finding a job is pretty bloody difficult, but as this was part of my course at University, I was up against my class mates and friends, not to mention the gazillion other people in the UK looking for a placement too! For me this was really daunting as I was constantly thinking 'Well her work is so much better than mine so why would they choose me?'. As easy as it is to say, you have to take a step back and realise that as individuals, we all have something different to offer and no two of us are the same - so your dream company may be looking for something that you have and your class mate's don't! For example, you may be applying for a internship in PR which requires amazing communication and organisational skills, so your friend who is insanely good at photoshop but hasn't had previous experience dealing with clients/customers in a part time job may not be right for the job...if that makes any sense at all. 
I guess what I'm trying to get across is, each of us have gained different skills, whether it's from previous work experience or while you've been at university, so just because you may not be right for one particular position, doesn't mean there isn't one out there that is perfect for you and your skills!

Tip No. 2: Network Network Network

I hated this word when I began looking for an internship. Just the mere thought of reaching out to these professionals who are a part of my dream company terrified me, and the thought of  'not wanting to bother people' wouldn't leave my mind. In the end you just have to think that these doors aren't going to open for you. Unfortunately brands aren't going to email you and offer you a position on their team - if only!! The truth is, if you have your heart set on a particular brand or position, you really do have to put yourself out there and connect with people - show them how bad you want to work there! 
Do not mistake networking for simply asking for a job - DO NOT DO THAT! A company is not going to be attracted to an email/tweet that simply says 'Hi do you have any jobs?'. The key (in my opinion) is to be professional and not be too direct... for example if you wanted to work for Net - A - Porter you could choose to tweet them saying 'Hi, I am just enquiring about any future internship possibilities within your company' or if you are emailing make sure to ask for 'help and guidance for finding a possible internship position within the company' that way you aren't directly asking for a job and you are opening it up for them to possibly ask for you CV or point you in the right direction!
Networking takes time, but a great place to get started is on Linked In, which leads me on to my next tip!

Tip No. 3: Take advantage of Social Media

We now live in this fabulous tech world where we can connect with our favourite brands through social media, and no longer have to write letters or even worse... CALL (aaaah!!!) when enquiring for jobs! With that in mind, it is important to know that brands can also connect with you just as simply - so if you have recently sent your C.V to a company, make sure your social media accounts aren't too off putting! Imagine that your Grandma can see everything you upload and you should be ok haha! For example, if your last tweet was about how much you hate your current boss, or your profile picture is a little too provocative, then a company may choose to not take your application any further! It may sound harsh as we all have our own social lives, but as seen in recent studies - these things a important to companies when looking for a new candidate!
If you don't have a Linked In account, I suggest you create one right now (well...after you've read this post anyway!)

Tip No. 4: What websites to check out 

It is great networking with people and connecting with your favourite brands when looking for a internship, but sometimes it is really helpful to see what is already out there and being advertised so you can read up on the job spec etc and see which positions you will be best suited to!
During my time of hunting down a placement I came across many websites / twitter accounts etc that I found helpful:

- FashionWorkie.com
- @ukfashionintern
- @TheInternGuide
- @InternMagUK

Tip No. 5: Be yourself!
What does this even mean? You hear this saying thrown around all the time...but what if yourself is a shy, bumbling and awkward mess?! Well then I guess you need to be the best version of yourself! When writing your C.V, don't pull a Joey and say that you can do something you can't (the friends episode where Phoebe teaches Joey French is one of my fav's haha) as you'll only be found out in the end. You can make your part-time job stacking shelves sound a little more exciting, but don't take it too far! And if you then get asked to an interview, apply the same rule! It is important to dress well, but also in something you feel yourself in! There is nothing worse then trying too hard and feeling uncomfortable when you're already nervous! It will only hinder your performance in the end!
You want to be chosen because of your skills and who you are...remember that.

And breathe....Wow that was a long post haha! I could carry on and on but I don't want to bore you guys too much! I hope that was somewhat helpful, and if any of you have any other questions regarding my internship etc then either comment on this post or you if you'd rather, you can ask me anonymously over on my tumblr.

Good luck!


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  1. Fab tips, I'm currently looking for a placement and its so stressful!
    Lizzy | by Lizzy x

    1. Thanks!! Tell me about it...just don't worry too much, you will find one! I was one of the last in my class to secure a placement and I am absolutely loving it!! X


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